Plum fruit benefits

Plum Benefits 

 If you have consumed plum (Aloo bukhara) fruit, then you must know about it. Plum (Aloo bukhara) is a seasonal fruit, it contains many nutrients. By now, you may have known the plum (Aloo bukhara) as a common fruit, but the truth is that the benefits of plum (Aloo bukhara) have many benefits in the treatment of many diseases. The use of simple-looking plumage is beneficial in many diseases.

Plum fruit benefits aloo bukhara

Plum health benefits 

There are many health benefits of Ayurveda, not one or two in Ayurveda, which you must know. Actually, it is a fruit that is easily found everywhere. You will know about the benefits of plum (Aloo bukhara), only then you will be able to take advantage of it. Let us know what are the benefits of plum (Aloo bukhara) .

aesthetic benefits

Aesthetic Benefits

 Plum(Aloo bukhara )is a seasonal and soft fruit with juice inside it. It is used as a diet.

 Delicious dishes are made from plums (Aloo bukhary). 

It is also used for aesthetic benefits.

Improves digestion

The taste of plum (aloo bukhara) is sweet. With its use, stomach related disorders such as loss of appetite, indigestion, digestive disorders etc. are cured, as well as constipation, haemorrhoids etc. diseases can be cured.

Improves digestion

Improves digestion

The name of the plum (Aloo bukhara) is Prunus domestic L., Syn- Prunus communis Huds,

 and is of the genus Rosaceae . It is also known by many names 

in other countries including India,

Prunus meaning

By now you have known what is plum aloo bukhara, how many qualities it has, and what name it is known in the country or abroad. Now let us know how many benefits you have and how you can benefit from plumage.

Prevent hair loss

You can use plums in ringworm or itching etc. For this, take out the glue from the stem of plum. Mix vinegar in it and apply it. This benefits in the problem of baldness. Prevent hair loss.

Prevent hair loss

Sharpen the memory

Be it children or adults, many people complain of loss of memory. There are some children, whose parents always complain that the children do not remember the lessons taught. Similarly, old people also have problems related to lack of memory. Using a plumage in such a problem gives very good results. By consuming seed kernel of plum, gradually increases the memory power.

Memory power

memory power

People who have problems of excessive thirst, they can take advantage by using plums. Eating plum fruit provides relief from the problem of excessive thirst.

Dry plum benefits

Eating heavy or excessive food causes indigestion. The food that you ate, it is indigestion when it is not digested properly, or if you eat spicy food. Sometimes, consuming too much tea-coffee, tobacco, etc. also leads to indigestion. It is beneficial by consuming plum. Dry plum seeds like almonds. Eating this dried fruit is beneficial in the problem of indigestion.

plum seed benefits

In the lack of appetite, you can consume plums. Consuming fruit of aloo bukhara increases appetite.

Itching occurs in any part of the body. The problem is that itching does not heal quickly, and in many places it becomes a cause of discomfort or insult.

You can use plums also in ringworm or itching etc. For this, take out the glue from the stem of plum. Mix vinegar in it and apply it. It is beneficial in disorders like ringworm and itching.

Using  plum Aloo Bukhara on the wound is also beneficial. You should apply powder made of plum-like glue to the wound. Apart from this, washing the wound by mixing gum in water also cures the wound quickly.

In case of bleeding from the nose, extract the juice of plum leaves. Add 1-2 drops to the nose. It provides relief in the problem of bleeding from the nose.

You can also use plum blossom in Pitta dosha. For this, eat sweet ripe fruit of plum before meal. It cures pitta disorders.

In a fever caused by biliary disorders, plum ulence should be consumed. For this problem, you should make a decoction of plum fruit, and drink it in 10-20 ml quantity. It provides relief in bile fever.

Many children complain of having bugs in the stomach. Not only children, but many adults also have this problem. Plumage is useful to eliminate stomach worms. Grind the leaves of alubukhara and apply it on the stomach as a paste. This kills stomach worms.

You can use plum in this way: - Plum fruit -Plum leaves -Plum seed oil

Aloobukhara plant is cultivated in India, especially in the western regions. It is found in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and in the hilly regions of Nilgiris in South India. It is bred in the altitude of 15' to 21' . It is also found in Europe and West Asia.


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