Dates (khajoor) benefits

Date (khajoor)

What is date (khajoor)? Although fruits are liked by everyone, but when it comes to dates, its natural sweetness makes it more special. This is the reason why dates are a popular food item. Dates are known as dates in English, Tawarikh (khajoor)in Arabic and Pamier in French. Date palm is considered to be a species of palm tree. Its tree is quite large and the leaves are also about four to six meters long. Its scientific name is Phoenix Dactylifera.  

Dates (khajoor) plant

Date (khajoor)palm
Date (khajoor)palm cultivation is believed to have first started in Iraq, after which it began to be grown in Arabia and other countries. Not only the fruit, but its seeds are also of great use. Many times its seeds are mixed in coffee beans and it is used as an alternative to coffee. At the same time, its oil is also used in cosmetic and soap making. Let me tell you that fresh dates(khajoor) are available only from August to December, but dried dates are available in the market throughout the year.  

Date (khajoor)


Dates (khajoor) benefits

Dates (khajoor) are very beneficial for health. It not only contains fiber but it also benefits in many diseases. But do you know that dates (khajoor) are helpful in increasing sex power in men. A few years ago, in a research, scientists had made this point evident.

Dates (khajoor) benefits sex power

Research results Research had said that dates (khajoor) contain amino acids, which increases sexual power in men. If it is consumed regularly with milk, then the benefit increases further.

Date khajoor milk benefits

Benefits of date (khajoor) palm . Date(khajoor)does not contain cholesterol. Fat is also reduced. Cholesterol control remains with regular intake. - dates (khajoor) are B1, B2, B3, B5, A1 and Vitamin C. - Strengthens bones. Dates (khajoor) contain potassium, magnesium, copper, and selenium which strengthens bones. - It is rich in iron. Consumption of iron in the body is complete by its use.

Keeps date (khajoor) palm system correct. Eating 3-4 dates (khajoor) soaked daily can help to cure stomach problem. - Eating empty stomach daily in the morning of the palm eliminates the problem of weakness in the body and provides instant energy in the body. - Vitamin A is found in large amounts in dates (khajoor). Lack of vitamin A causes discomfort to the eyesight, which removes dates (khajoor).

In any skincare routine, removal of dead skin that is exfoliation is an important task. For this, scrubbing on the skin or face is very beneficial. But do you know that coffee is very useful for scrub.     

Instant power A sufficient amount of glucose, fructose and sucrose are found in dates (khajoor) . Therefore, it is very beneficial for immediate strength                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

As soon as the name of date (khajoor) is taken, sweetness dissolves in the mouth. Dates (khajoor) are as sweet to eat, they are equally beneficial. Along with the taste in fiber-rich dates (khajoor), many secrets of health are also hidden. Through this article of Stylecrase, we will tell you about many such benefits of dates, which will give nourishment to your skin as well as hair.

Came to know about it and at the same time they also came to know that dates (khajoor) have amazing healing power. And this was accepted by science as well. Date (khajoor) palms are believed to have originated from Iraq, although the Italian people claim that they started making wine from dates long before that. Due to trade with other countries, the date reached from Southwest Asia to Spain, North Africa and then to Mexico and California

Date (khajoor) is an important ingredient in many disasters in the Middle East. Although 30 types of dates (khajoor) are found in the world, but broadly they are classified into 3 classes. Soft, semi dry and dry. And this difference is mainly done keeping in mind three things, glucose, sucrose and fructose. One of the best categories of (khajoor) dates is found in the Gaza Strip.

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Apart from this, Zaglol dates (khajoor)found in Egypt are also considered very good, long and thick in color, this date (khajoor) is quite crunchy in food. And it is also very high in terms of sweetness. Sugar found in Saudi Arabia is one of the most expensive dates (khajoor) in the world. It is light brown in color and very soft. After this is Khadravi which is quite soft and sweet and is very popular among the people of Arabia. It is said that the dates of dates (khajoor) in Iraq

Varieties. People all over the world include dates in their daily diet. But you should know that dates are delicious as well as beneficial for health. Dates (khajoor)are an excellent source of many vitamins, not only that, there are many rich elements like minerals, sugar, calcium, iron and potassium.


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