Aonla fruit Benefits and Side effects

Aonla fruit

Introducation of Aonla fruit

Aonla or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is regarded as Amritphal. It is an indigenous fruit to Indian subcontinent. Its fruits are a rich source of vitamin 'C'. Fruits have been reported to be useful in haemorrhages, diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia and cough.

Benefits of Aonla fruit

Benefits of Aonla fruit

The phytonutrients and antioxidants in amla can benefit memory by fighting against free radicals that can attack and damage brain cells. Amla's high concentration of Vitamin C helps your body produce norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter believed to improve brain function in people with dementia.

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Skin

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Skin

This wonder berry is known to be the best anti-ageing fruit according to traditional Indian medicine. Regular intake of amla not only leads to a healthy and glowing skin but also improves eye sight, boosts the immune system, and regulates blood sugar and lipids.

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Hairs

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Hairs

  1. strengthen the scalp and hair.
  2. reduce premature pigment loss from hair, or greying.
  3. stimulate hair growth.
  4. reduce hair loss.
  5. prevent or treat dandruff and dry scalp.
  6. prevent or treat parasitic hair and scalp infections, like lice infections.
  7. prevent or treat fungal and bacterial hair and scalp infections.

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Eyes

Benefits of Aonla fruit for Eyes

Vitamin A not only improves vision, but it also may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Amla's vitamin C content aids in eye health by fighting bacteria, which can help to protect your eyes from conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other infections.

Benefits of Aonla fruit in pregnancy

Benefits of Aonla fruit in pregnancy

  1. Improves immunity, Common cold and urinary tract infection are very common during pregnancy.
  2. Helps in maintaining calcium levels.
  3. Morning sickness.
  4. Detoxification of the body.
  5. Prevents inflammation.
  6. Helps to control blood pressure.
  7. Amla softens bowel movements.

    Benefits of Aonla fruit for weight loss

    Benefits of Aonla fruit for weight loss

    Amla, rich in fiber content can be excellent in flushing out toxins from the body, regulating digestion, keep the gut working fine and fight off constipation. This helps you lose weight a little faster.

      Benefits of Aonla fruit Juice

      Benefits of Aonla fruit Juice

      Wondering why many people are replacing their morning coffee with a glass of amla juice? Well, after you are done reading its benefits, you will be sure to realize the miracle that amla juice is.

      Regular intake of amla juice helps in improving eyesight and nearsightedness and controls the onset of cataracts. It also minimizes intraocular tension and counters problems like reddening, itching, and watering of eyes. Amazing, isn’t it?

      Amla juice is a great remedy for heart problems as it makes the heart muscles strong, enabling the heart to pump blood easily.

      Side effects of Aonla fruit

      Side effects of Aonla fruit

      Bleeding disorders; Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding or bruising in some people. If you have a bleeding disorder, use Indian gooseberry with caution. Diabetes: Indian gooseberry might decrease blood sugar levels. Your diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider.


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