Cherry Surinam Fruit Benefits and Side effects

Cherry Surinam

Introducation of Cherry Surinam

Eugenia uniflora is a large shrub or small tree with a conical form, growing slowly to 8 metres (26 ft) high. When bruised, crushed or cut, the leaves and branches have a spicy resinous fragrance, which can cause respiratory discomfort in susceptible individuals. The leaves are without stipules, ovate, glossy and held in opposite pairs. New leaves are bronze, copper or coppery-pinkish in color, maturing to a deep glossy green, up to  centimetres (1.6 in) long. During winter the leaves turn red. Flowers have four white petals and are borne on slender long stalks, with a conspicuous central cluster of white stamens ending in yellow anthers. Flowers develop into ribbed fruits 2 to 4 centimetres (0.79 to 1.57 in) long, starting out as green, then ranging through orange, scarlet and maroon as they ripen. Because the seeds are distributed by fruit-eating birds it can become a weed in suitable tropical and sub-tropical habitats, displacing native flora.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam

Benefits of Cherry Surinam

These fruits possess anti stringent and antiseptic properties. They are used to eradicate the symptoms of diarrhea and solves gastro intestinal problems. The fruits aid in the treatment of common cold.

Benefits of surinam cherry for Skin

Benefits of surinam cherry Fruit for Skin

Since Surinam Cherries are rich in various nutrients, such as: Vitamin A and C, they helps in eradicating the body from toxins which are more likely to damage the skin. And also, it helps in retaining moisture to the skin and prevent it from dryness and skin ailments such as: psoriasis.

Benefits of surinam cherry for Hair

Benefits of surinam cherry Fruit for Hair

Minerals and antioxidant content in the Surinam cherries help you have healthy and strong hair. Consumption of this nutritious fruit helps you flaunt beautiful, long hair.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Diabetes

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Diabetes

Studies have suggested that Surinam cherries can help in reducing the diabetes symptoms in patients, by increasing the production of insulin in the body, as it contains another nutrient known as anthocyanin, this treating diabetes.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Blood Pressure

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Blood Pressure

While research needs to be conducted on humans, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that pitanga leaf extract helped decrease blood pressure in laboratory rats.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Cancer

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Cancer

Surinam Cherry has anti-oxidant which helps in preventing negative effect of radicals which causes cancer. My first taste of Surinam Cherry was indeed impressive, I don't know about yours. So I hereby want you to have a taste of it as well.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Digestion

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Digestion

Most of the people complain about acidity, indigestion, bloating, and other stomach related disorders. All these things can be easily prevented with the right food intake. Generally, these symptoms occur when the digestive system develops the infection. The majority of stomach related disorders are developed due to improper food habits, consumption of excessive alcohol, and food items that are high on fat and spices. These stomach related problems and infections can easily be taken care of by the consumption of Surinam Cherries. These cherries are known to be anti-inflammatory and also anti septic in nature. So, say good bye to all your stomach related problems by enjoying the Surinam cherry health benefits. Apart from all the above-mentioned health benefits, one can also expect a healthy and glowing skin with the consumption of the Surinam cherries. Sine, they are rich in anti oxidant properties consuming these cherries regularly can result in glowing skin too. Well, these are some of the major Benefits of Surinam cherry.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Weight Loss

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Weight Loss

Surinam cherries contain a low amount of calories. one cup of cherries contains about five calories. So eating these cherries help you manage your weight and prevents you from gaining excess weight. Surinam cherries also promote satiety, thus keeping you full for longer.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam for Pregnancy

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit for Pregnancy

Surinam cherries can a good addition to your pregnancy diet. It is rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that helps in boosting immunity in pregnant women. A cup of Surinam cherries has nearly 82 percent of carbs. Thus making them a great source of energy. It is recommended to talk to your doctor first though.

Benefits of Cherry Surinam of Juice

Benefits of Cherry Surinam Fruit Juice

Wash the cherries carefully and squeeze the delicate fruits well to collect the pulp in a bowl. Add a glass of water and strain the juice with a strainer to the serving glass. Press the pulp while straining to get the juice completely. Add honey to the juice and mix well. Serve with ice cubes.

Side effects of Cherry Surinam

Side effects of Cherry Surinam

Anything in excess can always lead to other problems. The same applies to the consumption of these fruits as well. There are absolutely a lot of Surinam cherry health benefits, but there are also certain drawbacks as well. So, understanding the Surinam cherry side effects also becomes essential. You must not binge on the fruit all day long; eating 100gms a day is good. Excess consumption of the Surinam cherries, especially the seeds, can cause stomach ache. The toxins in the stomach might shoot up, leading to stomach upset. Hence, make sure to eat in the right quantities to reap the Surinam cherry health benefits.


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