Crab apple fruit(Junglee Seb) benefits and Side effects
Introducation of Crab apple fruit(Junglee Seb) Crabapple, also spelled crab apple, also called crab, any of several small trees of the genus Malus, in the rose family (Rosaceae). Crabapples are native to North America and Asia. They are widely grown for their attractive growth habit, spring flower display, and decorative fruit. Benefits of Crab apple fruit(Junglee Seb) Crabapples are an excellent source of vitamin C, which our bodies need for a strong immune system. While eating crabapples won't guarantee a healthy body, the nutrients and vitamins will help your body fight off illness. There's an ounce of truth to the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Benefits of Crab apple fruit for Skin Crab Apple may also be used to treat skin eruptions or possessiveness as well as overzealous actions of any type. This flower essence remedy may be effectively applied topically to the skin in the form of an ointment added with some water. Benefits of Crab apple fruit for Hair...