
Showing posts from October, 2021

Aonla fruit Benefits and Side effects

Introducation of Aonla fruit Aonla or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is regarded as Amritphal. It is an indigenous fruit to Indian subcontinent. Its fruits are a rich source of vitamin 'C'. Fruits have been reported to be useful in haemorrhages, diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia and cough. Benefits of Aonla fruit The phytonutrients and antioxidants in amla can benefit memory by fighting against free radicals that can attack and damage brain cells. Amla's high concentration of Vitamin C helps your body produce norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter believed to improve brain function in people with dementia. Benefits of Aonla fruit for Skin This wonder berry is known to be the best anti-ageing fruit according to traditional Indian medicine. Regular intake of amla not only leads to a healthy and glowing skin but also improves eye sight, boosts the immune system, and regulates blood sugar and lipids. Benefits of Aonla fruit for Hairs strengthen the scalp a

Avocado vegetable or fruit Benefits and Side effects

 Many buyers can not decide when choosing an exotic fruit: avocado - fruit or vegetable. Some call this fruit a fruit, others call it a vegetable. One would think that avocado is a berry or even a nut. Is avocado a fruit, nut, vegetable or berry? The mysterious avocado actually brought confusion to the minds of people and divided them into different groups according to perception. Perhaps to clarify the situation you need a biology. Following the scientific explanation, the avocado is called a fruit after the fruit has grown on trees. In addition, the fruit of the avocado has a hard bone in the core, like most garden crops. But the structure of the fruit is more like that of a vegetable. The flesh of the fruit contains a large concentration of substances and sugars, which are not specific to the fruit. According to Ozhegov, any juicy fruit, regardless of their form and sugar content, should be referred to as fruit. So, avocado is, after all, a fruit. But with a caveat. The taste of avo

Coconut fruit ( Nariyal gary ) Benefits and Side effects

Introducation of  Coconut fruit ( Nariyal gary ) coconut, edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the palm family (Arecaceae). Coconuts probably originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and are one of the most important crops of the tropics. Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into coconut milk or coconut oil. Benefits of  Coconut fruit ( Nariyal gary ) Coconut is known as a useful fruit.Its is used by humans in every way. Like raw coconut, dried coconut and its water etc.Its has innumerable benefits.which is more beneficial for health. Benefits of  Coconut fruit for Skin Coconut oil, if used on skin prevents dryness and flakiness and keeps it moisturised and supple. It also supports the skin and works to repair the damage it has acquired over time. It eases a common skin condition called neurosis, which is characterized by dry, rough and flaky skin. It also reduces the severity of atopic dermatitis which is prone to infections like

Cherry Surinam Fruit Benefits and Side effects

Introducation of Cherry Surinam  Fruit Eugenia uniflora is a large shrub or small tree with a conical form, growing slowly to 8 metres (26 ft) high. When bruised, crushed or cut, the leaves and branches have a spicy resinous fragrance, which can cause respiratory discomfort in susceptible individuals. The leaves are without stipules, ovate, glossy and held in opposite pairs. New leaves are bronze, copper or coppery-pinkish in color, maturing to a deep glossy green, up to  centimetres (1.6 in) long. During winter the leaves turn red. Flowers have four white petals and are borne on slender long stalks, with a conspicuous central cluster of white stamens ending in yellow anthers. Flowers develop into ribbed fruits 2 to 4 centimetres (0.79 to 1.57 in) long, starting out as green, then ranging through orange, scarlet and maroon as they ripen. Because the seeds are distributed by fruit-eating birds it can become a weed in suitable tropical and sub-tropical habitats, displacing native flora.

Canistel Fruit Benefits and Side effects

Introducation of Canistel  Fruit Pouteria campechiana is an evergreen tree native to, and cultivated in, southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and El Salvador. Benefits of Canistel  Fruit Just like most other fruits, canistel is also rich in a wide range of nutrients including many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients contribute(Egg fruit) to the various health benefits offered by this fruit. Given below are some of the reasons why you should consider adding canistel to your regular diet. Benefits of Canistel Fruit for Skin Just like the benefits for hair, eggs are a great nourishing boost for your skin as well. The lutein in eggs provides hydration and elasticity for skin and accompanying protein helps repair tissue and keeps skin firm. Benefits of Canistel Fruit for Eyes Canistel is highly rich in carotenoids, which is very beneficial for our eye health. Carotenoids are converted into vitamin A, when it goes inside our body and Vitamin A is very essential for o